Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I that is a litel of bad. And also a litel of insalting because you are saing that it IS MY SCHOOL.And you are not leting other kids like let them like join there school.And i think that is just bad and not fair about saying that it is my school when you sould of say some thing nice.

Monday, December 8, 2008

I think that it is wrounge because if someone that wants to make harm to kids he might get you and take you away. In the computer and also he could get your information very fast. So that is why an adult should always know if you are in a computer or not. Cuase there is alot of danger in the computer .Cause if i someone starts to talk to you and you have no idea who he/she is then you have to tell your parents fast. Cause you dont know what will happen next and it will be dangeros.That is why you should be very careful.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

That i think it is  very bad and it is not proper in life. Or in public cause i think that if you are talking to a guy and you think he is hot and he really is a old man. Well i think that is gross and nasty i would not like to be in that situation. Cause i would be scared and if i found out i would be very scared that a old man is trying to find me. That is why i was gana get a myspace but i am thinking about it. Cause i am thinking about it .

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I think that is bad and very gross. And that makes me think i dont want to get in this computer any more. Cause that scars me alot.
I think that my mission today is to achevie every thing today. And also i want to do good.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008