Friday, October 31, 2008

Design cycle

Investigation- I think i really did that i did bad because i took long in that so i think a 2. 
Design- I think that i got a 2 because i only put pics and not that must letter.
Plan-  I think that i would get a 3 because i planed good and i had no trouble in this part. 
Create-  I think that i should get a 3 because i got a little mess up in this part because i really don' t know how to use the computer. 
Evaluate- I think that i should get a 3 because i really don't know .
Attitude in technology- 
I think that i should be more on task and put myself together and type more faster.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

They are saying that there are so many girl's in 9th grade are getting pregnant. Also they are having to bully other students. That is wrong i will never do that to any one. And also i am never going to get pregnant because it will ruined my childhood.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

That if you use the computer at your job by your personal things at make some copies of any thing. That means it is legal and you can go to jail. That is why it is important to do your job not to go and goof around. That is why you should be on task and be honest be trusted and keep doing your job. And some people take a hour at there lunch break and they only have 30 minutes. They are being unethical because they are taking longer than they are suppose to. They are should not do that.

Monday, October 27, 2008

They are saying that if one day at your job they are finding someone to do a type of  job and they are looking for someone ethical and they will trust to finish the job well that means that they will be looking for you and if you are ethical.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

They are trying to say if you are a ethical person and you are good at your job and you burly started that means that they would want you. Not by how long have been working there. Also that if you have any problems with any one they recommend you to get out fast and find another job.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I think they were trying to say that it will be bad like when you grow up and have a job and there is a person there and is unethical you will have problems with them. Also that you will try to be more nice to them and probably have some luck and they will start being a little more nice to you. and you probably will do better in your job because you will have less anger and you will be relaxed.

Monday, October 20, 2008

I think that it is kind of embarrassing. And also it should be personal not to tell all your school. So it is not fair. Also i think that she should not tell any one.

Friday, October 17, 2008

I think that it is ethical because he is not doing anything bad. Just because his parents are not there dose not mean that he is doing anything bad. And he is not writing anything bad about any one.